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327. Hence to the discriminating knower of Brahman
there is no worse death than inadvertence with regard to
concentration. But the man who is concentrated attains
complete success. (Therefore) carefully concentrate thy
mind (on Brahman).
ततः स्वरूपविभ्रंशो विभ्रष्टस्तु पतत्यधः ।
पतितस्य विना नाशं पुनर्नारोह ईक्ष्यते ॥ ३२८ ॥
328. Through inadvertence a man deviates from his
real nature, and the man who has thus deviated falls. The
fallen man comes to ruin, and is scarcely seen to rise again.
संकल्पं वर्जयेत्तस्मात्सर्वानर्थस्य कारणम् ।
जीवतो यस्य कंवल्यं विदेहे स च केवलः ।
यत्किञ्चित्पश्यतो भेदं भयं ब्रूते यजुःश्रुतिः ॥ ३२९ ॥
329. Therefore one should give up reffecting on the
sensc-objects, which is the root of all mischief. He who is
completely aloof even while living, is alone aloof after the
dissolution of the body. The Yajur Vedal declares that there
is fear for one who sees the least bit of distinction.
[1Yajur Veda etc. - The Taittiriya Upanigad (II. vii) which belongs
to the Yajur Veda.]
यदा कदा वापि विपश्चिदेष
ब्रह्मण्यनन्तेऽप्यणुमात्रभेदम् ।
पश्यत्यथामुष्य भयं तदेव
यद्वीक्षितं भिन्नतया प्रमादात् ॥ ३३० ॥