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Reality, be free from all duality through the enjoyment of
the Bliss of Self, and remain quiet in Brahman, for thou
hast attained thy infinite nature.
[1Egoism etc.--Egoism with its two forms, "1" and "mine".]
समूलकृत्तोऽपि महानहं पुन-
र्ग्युल्लेखितः स्याद्यदि चेतसा क्षणम् ।
संजीव्य विक्षेपशतं करोति
नभस्वता प्रावृषि वारिदो यथा ॥ ३०९ ॥
309. Even though completely rooted out, this terrible
egoism, if revolved in the mind even for a moment, returns
to life and creates hundreds of troubles, like a cloud
ushered in by the wind during the rainy season.
निगृह्य शत्रोरहमोऽवकाशः
क्वचिन्न देयो विषयानुचिन्तया ।
स एव संजीवन हेतुरस्य
प्रक्षीणजम्बीरतरोरिवाम्बु ॥ ३१० ॥
310. Overpowering this enemy, egoism, not a moment's
respite should be given to it by thinking on the sense-
objects. That is verily the cause of its coming back to life,
like water to a citron tree that has almost dried up.
देहात्मना संस्थित एव कामी
विलक्षण: कामयिता कथं स्यात् ।
अतोऽर्थ सन्धानपरत्वमेव
भेदप्रसक्त्या भवबन्धहेतुः । ३११ ॥।