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अतोऽभिमानं त्यज मांसपिण्डे
पिण्डाभिमानिन्यपि बुद्धिकल्पिते ।
ज्ञात्वा स्वमात्मानमुपैहि शान्तिम् ॥ २९६ ॥
296. Therefore give up the identification with this lump
of flesh, the gross body, as well as with the ego or the
subtle body, which are both imagined by the buddhi.
Realizing thy own Self, which is Knowledge Absolute and
not to be denied2 in the past, present or future, attain to
[Imagined etc.-Because they are not in the Atman and our igno-
rance conjures them up through the buddhi or determinative faculty.
2 Denied etc.- Because the ātman transcends time. ]
त्यजाभिमानं कुलगोत्रनाम-
रूपाश्रमेष्वार्द्रशवाश्रितेषु ।
लिङ्गस्य धर्मानपि कर्तृतादों-
स्त्यक्ता भवाखण्डसुखस्वरूपः ॥ २९७ ॥
Cease to identify thyself with family, lineage,
name, form, and order of life, which pertain to the body
that is like a rotten corpsel (to a man of realization).
Similarly, giving up ideas of agency and so forth, which
are attributes of the subtle body, be the Essence of Bliss
[¹Rotten corpse-We assume the limitations of the body only
through an erroneous identification, and when that ceases on realization,
the body is useless like a corpse, fit to be shunried.
Attributes etc.-The Jianin must realize his identity with the Atman