2023-02-20 14:33:25 by ambuda-bot
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यत्रैष जगदाभासो दर्पणान्तः पुरं यथा ।
तद्ब्रह्माहमिति ज्ञात्वा कृतकृत्यो भविष्यसि ॥ २९१ ॥
291. That in which there is this reflection of the universe,
as of a city in a mirror-that Brahman art thou; knowing
this thou wilt attain the consummation of thy life.
यत्सत्यभूतं निजरूपमाद्यं
चिदद्वयानन्दमरूपमक्रियम् ।
तदेत्य मिथ्याबपुरुत्सृजेत
शैलूषवद्वेषमुपात्तमात्मनः ॥ २९२ ॥
292. That which is real and one's own primeval Essence,
that Knowledge and Bliss Absolute, the One without a
second, which is beyond form and activity-attaining That,
one should cease to identify oneself with one's false bodies.¹
like an actor giving up his assumed mask.
[IFalse bodies-The gross, subtle, and causal bodies, which are
superimpositions upon the Atman.
2Like etc. – When the actor has played his part, he is simply a man.
So the man of realization is one with Brahman, his real Essence. ]
सर्वात्मना दृश्यमिदं मूषव
नैवाहमर्थ: क्षणिकत्वदर्शनात् ।
जानाम्यहं सर्वमिति प्रतीतिः
कुतोऽहमादेः क्षणिकस्य सिध्येत् ॥ २९३ ॥ ..
293. This objective universe is absolutely unreal;
neither is egoism a reality, for it is observed to be momen-
यत्रैष जगदाभासो दर्पणान्तः पुरं यथा ।
तद्ब्रह्माहमिति ज्ञात्वा कृतकृत्यो भविष्यसि ॥ २९१ ॥
291. That in which there is this reflection of the universe,
as of a city in a mirror-that Brahman art thou; knowing
this thou wilt attain the consummation of thy life.
यत्सत्यभूतं निजरूपमाद्यं
चिदद्वयानन्दमरूपमक्रियम् ।
तदेत्य मिथ्याबपुरुत्सृजेत
शैलूषवद्वेषमुपात्तमात्मनः ॥ २९२ ॥
292. That which is real and one's own primeval Essence,
that Knowledge and Bliss Absolute, the One without a
second, which is beyond form and activity-attaining That,
one should cease to identify oneself with one's false bodies.¹
like an actor giving up his assumed mask.
[IFalse bodies-The gross, subtle, and causal bodies, which are
superimpositions upon the Atman.
2Like etc. – When the actor has played his part, he is simply a man.
So the man of realization is one with Brahman, his real Essence. ]
सर्वात्मना दृश्यमिदं मूषव
नैवाहमर्थ: क्षणिकत्वदर्शनात् ।
जानाम्यहं सर्वमिति प्रतीतिः
कुतोऽहमादेः क्षणिकस्य सिध्येत् ॥ २९३ ॥ ..
293. This objective universe is absolutely unreal;
neither is egoism a reality, for it is observed to be momen-