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प्रारब्धं पुष्यति वपुरिति निश्चित्य निश्चल: । Juneustan
धैर्यमालम्ब्य यत्नेन स्वाध्यासापनयं कुरु ॥ २७९ ॥
279. Knowing for certain that the Prārabdha work
will maintain this body, remain quiet and do away with
thy superimposition carefully and with patience.
['Prärabdha-The resultant of past work that has led to the present
birth. When this is worked out, the body falls, and Videhamuktt is the
result. J
नाहं जीवः परं ब्रह्मेत्यतद्वयावृत्तिपूर्वकम् ।
वासनावेगतः प्राप्तस्वाध्यासापनयं कुरु ॥ २८० ॥
280. "I am not the individual soul, but the Supreme
Brahman"—climinating thus all that is not-Self, do away
with thy superimposition, which has come through the
momentum of (past) impressions.
श्रुत्या युक्त्या स्वानुभूत्या ज्ञात्वा सार्वात्म्यमात्मनः ।
क्वचिदाभासतः प्राप्तस्वाध्यासापनयं कुरु ॥ २८१ ॥
281. Realizing thyself as the Self of all by means of
scripture, reasoning, and thy own realization, do away
with thy superimposition, even though a trace of it seems
to remain.
अनादानविसर्गाभ्यामीषन्नास्ति क्रिया मुनेः । 15
तदेकनिष्ठया नित्यं स्वाध्यासापनयं कुरु ॥ २८२ ॥
282. The sage has no connection whatever with action,
since he has no idea of accepting or giving up. Therefore,
through constant engrossment on the Brahman, do away
with thy superimposition.