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258. That which is free from birth, growth, develop-
ment, waste, disease, and death; which is indestructible;
which is the cause of the projection, maintenance, and dis-
solution of the universe-that Brahman art thou, meditate
on this in thy mind.
निस्तरङ्गजलराशिनिश्चलम् ।
नित्यमुक्तमविभक्तमूर्ति यद्
ब्रह्म तत्त्वमसि भावयात्मनि ॥ २५९ ॥
259. That which is free from differentiation; whose
essence is never non-existent; which is unmoved like the
occan without waves; the ever-free; of indivisible Form-
that Brahman art thou, meditate on this in thy mind.
एकमेव सदनेककारणं
कारणान्तरनिरास्यकारणम् ।
कार्यकारणविलक्षणं स्वयं
ब्रह्म तत्त्वमसि भावयात्मनि ॥ २६० ॥
260. That which, though One only, is the cause of the
many; which refutes all other causes, but is Itself without
cause; distinct from Māyā and its effect, the universe; and
independent that Brahman art thou, meditate on this in
thy mind.
यत्क्षराक्षरविलक्षणं परम् ।