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एवं महावाक्यशतेन कथ्यते
ब्रह्मात्मनोरक्यमखण्डभावः ॥ २४९ ॥
248-249. Just as in the sentence, "This is that Deva-
datta", the identity is spoken of, eliminating the contra-
dictory portions, so in the sentence "Thou art That", the
wise man must give up the contradictory elements on both
sides and recognise the identity of Iśvara and Jiva,
noticing carefully the essence of both, which is Cil,
Knowledge Absolute. Thus hundreds of scriptural texts
inculcate the oneness and identity of Brahman and Jiva. 43
[]Contradictory portions— Such as the differences of time and place,
etc. ]
सिद्धं स्वतो व्योमवदप्रतम् ।
अतो मृषामात्रमिदं प्रतीतं
जहीहि यत्स्वात्मतया गृहीतम् ।
ब्रह्माहमित्येव विशुद्धबुद्धया
विद्धि स्वमात्मानमखण्डबोधम् ॥ २५० ॥
Eliminating the not-Self, in the light of such pas-
sages as "It is not gross"1 etc., (one realizes the ātman),
which is self-established, unattached like the sky, and
beyond the range of thought. Therefore dismiss this mere
phantom of a body which thou perceivest and hast accepted
as thy own self. By means of the purified understanding
that thou art Brahman, realise thy own Self, the Knowl-
edge Absolute.
[1 Not gross etc. - The reference is to Byhadāravyaka, Ill. vill. 8.]