2023-02-20 14:33:23 by ambuda-bot
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[¹If thus etc.--The reference is to the sixth chapter of the Chandogya
Upanişad, where Uddalaka Aruni tries to impress on his son, Svetaketu
the identity of Jiva and Brahman in various ways. ]
न वास्तवः कश्चिदुपाधिरेषः ।
ईशस्य माया महदादिकारणं
जीवस्य कार्यं शृणु पञ्चकोशम् ॥ २४३ ॥
243. This contradiction between them is created by
superimposition, and is not something real. This super-
imposition in the case of Iśvara (the Lord), is Māyā or
nescience, which is the cause of Mahat and the rest;2 and
in the case of the Jiva (the individual soul)-listen-consists
of the five sheaths, 3 which are the effects of Māyā.
[1 Makat-See note on sloka 123.
2The rest-The grosser manifestations that proceed from Mahat.
GFive sheaths-See note on floka 125.]
एतावुपाधी परजीवयोस्तयोः
सम्यनिरासे न परो न जीवः ।
राज्यं नरेन्द्रस्य भटस्य खेटक-
स्तयोरपोहे न भटो न राजा ॥ २४४ ॥
244. These two are the superimpositions of Tśvara and
the Jiva respectively, and when these are perfectly climi-
nated, there is neither Iśvara nor Jiva. A kingdom is the
symbol of a king, and a shield of the soldier, and when
these are taken away, there is neither king nor soldier.
[¹If thus etc.--The reference is to the sixth chapter of the Chandogya
Upanişad, where Uddalaka Aruni tries to impress on his son, Svetaketu
the identity of Jiva and Brahman in various ways. ]
न वास्तवः कश्चिदुपाधिरेषः ।
ईशस्य माया महदादिकारणं
जीवस्य कार्यं शृणु पञ्चकोशम् ॥ २४३ ॥
243. This contradiction between them is created by
superimposition, and is not something real. This super-
imposition in the case of Iśvara (the Lord), is Māyā or
nescience, which is the cause of Mahat and the rest;2 and
in the case of the Jiva (the individual soul)-listen-consists
of the five sheaths, 3 which are the effects of Māyā.
[1 Makat-See note on sloka 123.
2The rest-The grosser manifestations that proceed from Mahat.
GFive sheaths-See note on floka 125.]
एतावुपाधी परजीवयोस्तयोः
सम्यनिरासे न परो न जीवः ।
राज्यं नरेन्द्रस्य भटस्य खेटक-
स्तयोरपोहे न भटो न राजा ॥ २४४ ॥
244. These two are the superimpositions of Tśvara and
the Jiva respectively, and when these are perfectly climi-
nated, there is neither Iśvara nor Jiva. A kingdom is the
symbol of a king, and a shield of the soldier, and when
these are taken away, there is neither king nor soldier.