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383. The concealed (Guhah).
He whose nature, etc., are concealed in Maya.
(Slo. 54)
Vya. He is reclining in the heart (Guha).
384. Resolute (Vyavasayah).
Being of pure wisdom.
Vya. He is the creator of the Buddhi of resolution.
385. The basis (Vyavasthanah).
Of everything; or the regulator of the Guardians of
the Universe and their respective functions; of the womb-
born, egg-born and earth-born life; of the Brāhmana,
Kshattriya, Vaisya and Sadra castes, and the intermediate
ones; of the four stages of life, as pupil, householder,
hermit and Sanyasin, and their duties.
386. The ultimate stage (Samsthanah).
Of the elements during Pralaya; or he who is the
supreme goal.
387. The conferrer of abode (Sthanadah).
In Dhruva and others according to their Karma.
388. The firm (Dhruvah).
Being imperishable.
Vya. Dhruva attained the state which it is very
difficult for others to reach.
389. The Supreme Manifestation (Parardhih).
Vya. From this name forward Rama's actions are
referred to.
390. Completely plain (Paramaspashtah).
Being dependent on none for perfection and being
pure wisdom.
Vya. He is plain on account of his showing his
grace to all.