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destroy (Hari) the sins of those who remember me, and
also receive the oblations in sacrifices; my complexion
also is yellowish; hence I am named Hari."
360. Known through all the methods of researches.
All methods of proof yield the same result, i.e., Him-
self, as the one reality.
361. The consort of Lakshmi (Lakshmivän).
As Lakshmi ever resides on his chest.
362. Victorious in battle (Samitinjayah). (Slo. 52)
Vya. He is the destroyer of all pains of the chetanās
363. Undecaying (Viksharah).
Vya. His love for Lakshmana (his brother) did not
364. The red-hued (Rohitah).
It may refer to some of his red-hued forms which he
has assumed at his own will, or to his incarnation as fish'.
365. The Path (Margah).
He who is sought after by those that desire liberation;
or He through whom the Supreme Bliss is obtained.
366. The cause (Hetuh).
Material and instrumental.
Vya. He is the means of the desired things.
367. Damodarah.
He who is known through the mind which is purified
(Udara) by means of 'Dama' or self-control and other
qualities. The Mahabharata says: "They call him 'Damo-
dara,' as he is known by means of Dama (control of
the senses)"; or because he (in his Krishna incarnation)
was tied up by Yasoda by means of a cord round his waist
to two trees. Brahma Purana (184-42) says: "She