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306. The conqueror of thousands (Sahasrajit).
Of Asuras in battle.
Vya. Reclining on water (alone) for the period of one
thousand Yugas, He causes to vanish (the enemies).
307. The conqueror of innumerable beings (Anantajit).
Since he, through his unlimited powers, excelled every
being in war, sports, etc.
(Slo. 46)
Vya. None understands His ends.
308. The pleasant (Ishtah).
Being the highest Bliss. Or He who is worshipped in
the Yajnas (sacrifices).
309. The permeated (Avisishtah).
As Antaryamin (indweller) in all.
Vya. Even the ignorant ones equally wish (to see Him).
310. Loved by the learned (Sishteshtah).
Or He loves the learned. Lord (Bh. G., 7-17) says :
"For, excessively dear am I to the Jnani, and he is dear to
me" or beloved of the wise.
311. The peacock-feathered (Sikhandı).
As Krishna in his aspect of a cowherd boy.
Vya. S'ikhanda means the splendour of the supreme
312. The deceiver (Nahushah).
Of beings through His Maya.
313. Dharma (Vrishah).
As he showers all desires he is called Vrisha. The
Mahabharata (San., 343-58) says: "Vrisha is explained
by the lexico-graphers and likewise known in the world, O
Bharata, as holy Dharma; hence know me as Vrisha."
Vya. He consoles and cools down. His tired devotees
with His sweet words.