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S'ipi rays, which he permeates. Or "S'i is water, it being
cool (Saitya) and fit to rest on (Sete); S'ipi means the rays
as they draw and protect the water; and Vishta is the Lord
of the Cosmos, who resides in these rays."
274. The illuminator (Prakasanah).
Of all.
Vya. He reveals his form to his devotees.
275.¹ Possessed of life-energy (Ojah).
Ojas: the vital energy;
Valour (Tejah).
(Slo. 42)
Tejas valour and other qualities.
And effulgence (Dyutidharah).
Lord (Bh. G., 7-11 and 10) says: "Of the energetic, am
I the energy; I am the light of those that possess light."
Effulgence of wisdom.
276. The radiant Self (Prakasatma).
Vya. Even by ignorant ones his supreme nature can
easily be known.
277. The burner (Pratapanah).
Of the cosmos by his manifestations as the Sun, etc.
278. Wealthy (Riddhah).
Being endowed with Dharma, knowledge, dispassion
and the like.
279. Of clear pronunciation (Spashtaksharah).
As he is the syllable Om whose svara or rhythm is
'Udatta' or high.
Vya. He is the syllable of the Vedas.
280. The Mantrah.
The Rig. Yajus, and Saman (the three Vedas); or as
he is taught by the Mantras.
Vya. He protects those who think (on Him).
Some make this into three names.