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237. Of delightful nature (Prasannātmā).
His Antahkarana (inner organ) is untainted by the
qualities of Rajas and Tamas; or He is ever-merciful; or
on account of his having no desire to be satisfied.
238. The support of the Cosmos (Visvadhrik). (Srit).
Vya. Visvasrik: The creator of the Universe.
239.¹ The enjoyer of the Cosmos (Visvabhuk).
Or ruler of it.
240. He who is multiform (Vibhuh).
As Hiranyagarbha and others. The Sruti (Mun. Up.,
1-6) says: "He is eternal and multiform."
241. The worshipper (Satkarta).
Vya. The worshipper of good people, as the saying
is, "He, the radiant, served his Gurus, etc."
242. He who is worshipped (Satkritah).
Of the worshipped.
Vya. He becomes pleased even with a little offering
of the wise. (Rama., I, 1-58).
243. The righteous one (Sadhuh).
Or he accomplishes (everything), or he who fulfils a
thing without the help of the necessary requisites.
Vya. He helps the good, becoming a messenger, etc.,
as the case may demand.
244. The disintegrator (Jahnuh).
Of men during involution, or because he leads those
devoid of devotion away from the Supreme.
245. Narayanah.
'Nara': Atman; Nara': the ether and other effects
that are produced from it; He, as their cause, pervades
1 239 and 240 make one.