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202. The enjoyer (Sandhiman).
Being the enjoyer of the results too.
Vya. Prahlada and others attribute to the Lord the
form of Siddhi, prosperity.
203. He who is constant (Sthirah).
Being always the same.
Vya. He is constant in his distribution of (good
results) even to the irreligious.
204. The mover (Ajah).
Or He who moves.
Vya. He appeared from the post and was not born
from the womb (as was the case of Narasimha incarnation).
205. The unbearable (Durmarshanah).
To his enemies, the Asuras.
Vya. There are sayings (in the Puranas) "I can slay
these, if I wish, by the tip of my fingers."
206. The ordainer (Sastha).
He ordains all by (means of) Sruti and Smriti.
207. Of renowned Self (Visrutatma).
*Self' characterised by truth, wisdom, etc., and He
who is specially declared (in the Srutis).
Vua. His form is known to all.
208. Destroyer of the foes of Suras (Surăriha).
(Slo. 35)
Vya. He destroyed Hiranyakasipu by his two hands
joined, shining with the group of finger-nails.
¹209. The Teacher (Guruh).
As He is the promulgator of all Vidyas, or as He is the
generator of all beings.
Vya. He is the supreme Guru to Brahma and others.
¹209 and 210 make one name.