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In his actions.
Vya. His glory is unlimited.
155. Pure (Suchih).
As He purifies those that remember, praise, and
worship him. The Sruti says: "He is untouched, great
and pure."
Vya. He purifies his devotees disregarding their
offering or otherwise.
156. Firm (Urjitah).
Being of immense strength.
157. He who transcends Indra (Atındrah).
In wisdom, greatness, etc., that are natural to him.
158. All-destroyer (Sangrahah).
159. The evolution (Sargah).
Being the matter evolved or the cause of evolution.
160. Of controlled self (Dhritatma).
As his nature is changeless, ever the same, free from
birth, etc.
Vya. By him all the devotees are supported by the
gift of his Åtman.
161. The Director (Niyamah).
Of Beings in their respective functions.
Vya. He controls Bali and others.
162. The controller (Yamah).
Vya. He directs the Earth as its indweller.
163. The Knowable (Vedyah).
By those that desire supreme good.
164. The Knower of Vidyas (Vaidyah).
165. The eternal yogin (Sadayogt).
As He is ever in a manifested form.
Vya. He is awake in all beings.
(Slo. 30)