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He fulfils every desire, when worshipped, praised, or
remembered, and never leaves aspirations unfulfilled; or
because His will is always unobstructed. The Sruti (Chcha.
Up., 8-1-5) says: "Truthful is his wish and Truth is his
111. Pervading the lotus in the heart (Pundarikak-
'Pundarika ' means the lotus in the heart, and 'aksha':
to pervade through it, or seen in it. The Sruti (Nara. Up.,
10) says: "There is a lotus in the centre of the city (body),"
or with lotus-like eyes.
112. Of righteous action (Vrishakarma).
'Vrisha' means Dharma and Karma' action.
Vya. One, seeing the Setu (bridge) of the sea (con-
structed by Sri Rama), becomes free from the sin of
Brahmanicide. So says the Smriti.
113. Incarnated for the sake of righteousness (Vri-
Lord (Bh. Gita. 4-8) says: "For the sake of estab-
lishing Dharma, I am born in every age."
(Slo. 25)
Vya. We see from the Smritis that Rama was in the
form of Dharma personified.
114. Rudrah.
As he causes beings to cry (Rud to cry') when he
destroys them at the time of involution. Rudra may mean
he confers (Ra' to give) good (Rud), or he destroys
(Dra) the misery and its cause (Ru).
115. Myriad-headed (Bahusirah).
The Sruti (Tai. Ar., 3-12) says: He is thousand-
116. The supporter (Babhruh).
Of the worlds.
Babhruh Earth or Adisesha who supports the Earth.