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99. The beginning of everything (Sarvadih).
Because he is the origin of all beings.
Vya. He is the cause of all human aspirations.
100. Achyutah.
(100, 319 and 552)
He was not shaken and is not and will not be
shaken from his own glory; hence the name Achyuta.
The Sruti (Nara. Up., 13) says: "He is eternal, calm and
unswerving (Achyuta)." Lord also (Maha. San., 343) says:
"I did not swerve from my path at any time before ; hence
I am called Achyuta by that act."
Thus ends the first hundred.
101. Dharma and boar (Vrishakapih).
Dharma is known as (vrisha) by its act of pouring out
all desired objects; the boar' (kapi): as he protected (på
to protect) the Earth from the (great) waters (ka, water).
The Mahabharata (San. 343) says: "Kapi means the great
boar and vrisha means Dharma. Hence, the Progenitor
Kasyapa calls me by the appellation Vrishakapi."
Ka. The destroyer of the misery of Indra. (Vrisha)=
Indra; Aku sins and Pi-absorb and remove.
102. Of undefinable nature (Ameyātmā).
103. Devoid of all contacts (Sarvayogavinisritah).
The Sruti (Br. Up., 6-3-15) says: "This Person,
indeed, is unattached." Or he is beyond the reach of the
various systems of Yogas taught in the Sastras.
104. The dweller (Vasuh).
(270 and 696)
Or 'Vasu' means one of the (eight) Vasus as described
(in Bh. G. 10-23) "I am Pavaka among the Vasus."
Vya. He dwells in the heart of the sages (Sadhus),
the righteous (Nyayins) and the purified ones (Santas).