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manifest myself, through my own desire for destroying
the wicked and protecting the good."
33. The distributor (Bhavanah).
He distributes the fruits of action to all Jivas. It is
described (in Br. Sa., 3-2-38): "From Him the fruit (of
actions comes) as it is possible"; as the distributor of all
34. The sustainer (Bharta).
Of the Universe as its Lord.
35. The birth place (Prabhavah).
Or he is of superior origin.
36. The most powerful (Prabhuh).
Showing it forth in all his actions.
37. The great (Isvarah).
His greatness is unlimited. The Sruti (Br. Up., 6-4-22)
says: "He is the Lord of all."
(S'lo. 17)
38. The self-born (Svayambhub).
Manu (1-7) says: "He manifested himself"; because
he is foremost of all; or self-born: He is both the person
who is above others as well as others. The Sruti (Isa.
Up., 8) says: "He is Omnipresent, Self-existent." Or the
word Svayambhu' means the Supreme Lord, as he is
independent and not subject to any other. The Sruti
(Kath. Up., 4-1) says: "The Self-existent pierced the open-
ings of the senses."
39. The bestower of good (Sambhuh).
On his devotees.
40. The Sun (Adityah).
Sun here means the Golden Person in the disc of the
Sun (see Chcha. Up., 1-6-6); or Sun: Vishnu who is one
among the twelve Adityas; (Bb. Gita, 10-21) says: "I am
the Vishnu among Adityas"; or because he is the consort