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knowledge together with the mind, is called Yoga." He
(Vishnu) is the Yoga because he is to be reached by means
of it.
The leader of those that know Yoga. (Yogavidām
Those that enquire into, realise, or acquire Yoga, are
called the knowers of Yoga; He is their leader because He
takes care of the concerns of the wise ones. Lord (Bh.
Gita, 9-22) says: "To those that are always devout, I
secure gain and safety."
20. The Lord of Pradhana and Purusha (Pradhana-
Pradhana is Prakriti, or Maya, Purusha is Jiva, He is
the Lord of both.
21. He that has the form of a man-lion (Nära-
Whose limbs are as those of man and lion.
22. United to Lakshmi (Sriman). (178-220 and 613)
Sri (Lakshm1) eternally abides on his chest.
Vya. Though the Lord has the body of the man-lion,
there is no diminution of his beauty (Sri).
23. Kesavah.
Whose hairs (Kesa) are beautiful (va), the termination
va' being used in the sense of praise'; or Ka means
(Brahma) A (Vishnu), and Isa (Rudra), hence Kesa
denotes the Trimurtis (the three manifestations) who are
under His control (vasa); or because He slew the Asura
named Kesin. In the Vishnu Pr. (5-16-23) Narada says to
Krishna : Because thou hast slain the impious Kes'in,
thou shalt be known, in the world, by the name of
Kesava." (Vide name 648.)
24. Best of men (Purushottamah).