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through the likeness of the Self, O Arjuna! seeth identity,
whether pleasant or painful, is regarded as a perfected
Yogin." "The unconditioned Supreme Self is remaining
in this body permeating it; Him who is to be perceived by
knowledge, I will not despise, or transgress. If I do not
perceive Him, the creator of beings, by the (help) of the
Scriptures, I will jump over this mountain (barrier) and
reach Thee, as Hanuman did in the case of the Ocean."
(Vish. Pr., I, 17): If beings be hostile to each other and
indulge in hatred, they are objects of pity to the wise, as
encompassed by profound delusion. These are the reasons,
Oh Daityas (for repressing that hatred, they being
adapted to the capacities) of those who see (the deity)
distinct (from his creatures). Hear briefly, what influences
those who have approached the truth. The whole world
is but a manifestation of Vishnu, who is identical with all
things; and it is, therefore, to be regarded, by the wise,
as not differing from, but as the same with, themselves.
Let us therefore, lay aside the angry passions of our race,
and so strive that we obtain that perfect happiness. Also
become, O Daityas ! equal in all. The worship of Achyuta
is equality." (Ibid., 1-19): "Whatever power I possess,
O. Father! is neither the result of magic rites, nor is it
inborn with me. It is no more than that which is possess-
ed by all in whose hearts Achyuta abides. He who
meditates not wrong to others, but considers them as him-
self, is free from the effects of sin; in-as-much as the
cause does not exist. But he who inflicts pain upon others
in thought, word or deed, sows the seed of future birth;
and the fruit that awaits him after birth is pain. I wish
no evil to any, nor will offend any by word or deed; for
I behold Kesava in all beings as well as in my own Self.
How could pain inflicted by mind, speech or body or that
inflicted by elements, or Gods, affect me, who am equal-
minded to all? Love, for all creatures, will then be
assiduously cherished by all those who are wise in the