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of the reciter. By repeating the names, the corresponding
results accrue. Whatever power belongs to a name, is
effective whether for good or for evil in that sphere alone."
Though there is no room in the unconditioned for any of
those potential energies, that give rise to expressions
denoting relation, qualities, actions, class and conven-
tional terms, yet in the conditioned (Saguna) Brahman
which is subject to modifications these expressions are
possible, as it is the All-Soul. Hence all speech rest in
the Supreme Purusha.
Of such :
13. I shall for the good (of all) recite those names of
the great Soul that are expressive of His attributes and
that are famous and much praised by the Rishis.
Rishis Mantras and their seers. Praised in the
episodes about the Supreme Lord. Soul: "Since he
realises, receives and enjoys the objects here, and since
he is eternally existing, He is named Atman." He
(Vishnu) only is the great Atman who possesses unimagin-
able powers. For the Good: of those who desire the four
kinds of human aspirations in order to enable them to
attain the same.
Amongst these thousand names, the words Sun, etc.,
having individual connotations as "the (visible) Sun," etc.,
really mean Himself and are His praises, since they are only
His manifestations and are not distinct from Him. Vis.
Pr. (2-12) says: "Thou art the elemental self (Bhatatman),
the sensuous Self (Indriyâtman), the primordial Self
(Pradhinåtman) the Self and the Supreme Self. Thus thou,
the only one, art in five forms. The stars are Vishnu, the
worlds are Vishnu, the forests are Vishnu, the mountains
and regions are Vishnu, also the rivers and oceans; he is
all that is, all that is not, O best of Brahmans." Bh. G.
from verses (10-21) "Of Adityas I am Vishnu" to the end
(10-41). "Having pervaded this whole universe with a