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he does, that he will reap." The Smriti (Manu, 2-4) also
says: "Not a single act here below appears even to have
been done by a man free from desire; for whatever man
does, it is (the result of) the impulse of desire." (Bh. G.,
3-37) says: "It is desire, it is wrath."
The authoritative character of Arthavada or explanatory
passages pertaining to Mantras should be accepted, in as
much as they convey a different idea (and as they go to sup-
port the Mantra passages of the Vedas). By declaring them
(Arthavada passages) unauthoritative, the king Nahusha
became a serpent. How it was, is explained in the Maha-
bharata: (Udyoga, 17 Ch.) "The Rishis, when they were
ordered to be his Palanquin-bearers by the evil-minded one
(Nahusha), they, the divine Rishis and also the pure
Brahma Rishis questioned Nahusha, whose mind was bent
upon evil, concerning a doubtful point thus: 0 Vasava
(officiating Indra)! are the Brahmana portions (of the
Vedas) that refer to the purification of the sacrificial cows,
authoritative or not?' Nahusha, confused in mind, replied,
that they, undoubtedly are not (authoritative). Then the
Rishis said thou art inclined to evil and abandoneth
the Dharma; they (the Brahmana portions) having been
promulgated by the ancient Maharishis are authoritative to
us. Agastya said: "Thereupon the king (Nahusha), falling
out with the Rishis and being propelled by vice, placed his
foot on my head. Then, O Lord of Sachi, he became
deprived of sense and devoid of glory. Thereupon I
addressed him (Nahusha), who was then trembling with
fear, thus "Thou hast gone out of the sacred path chalked
out by the ancients and followed by the Rishis; thou hast
placed thy foot on my head; and thou hast also, O fool,
made palanquin-bearers of the Rishis, who are like unto
Brahman and who are unapproachable; therefore, fall
down from the heaven, bereft of all glory, degraded by
thine own sin and deprived of virtues, O king of Earth;
remain ten thousand years on the Earth assuming the form