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for their soul; also the Kshetra (the body) and the
Kshetrajna (the knower of the body).
137. Conduct is said to be the foremost of all topics
treated of in the Scriptures. Righteousness has conduct
for its basis. The Eternal Vasudeva is said to be the
Lord of Righteousness.
This verse indicates that he only can aspire to practise
all the Dharmas, who has got character in him.
138. The Rishis, the Pitris, the Devas, the great
(primeval) elements, the Souls, indeed, the entire movable
and immovable Universe, have sprung from Narayana.
139. The Yoga, the Sankhya, knowledge, the sciences,
all mechanical arts, the Vedas, the diverse Scriptures, and
all learning, have sprung from Janardana.
140. Vishnu, the one great Being, pervades the in-
numerable individual beings and the three worlds; and
being the enjoyer of all, and the undecaying, experiences
141. This hymn in praise of the illustrious Vishnu,
composed by Vyasa, should be recited by that person who
wishes to acquire happiness and that which is the highest
benefit (i.e., moksha).
This hymn is composed by the revered Krishna
Dvaipayana, the omniscient, the knower of thousand
branches (of the Vedas), who is Nārāyana himself. Hence
this hymn is to be recited by all with faith to achieve all
the ends.
142. Those persons that worship and adore the Lord
of the Universe, that Deity who is unborn, and possessed
of blazing effulgence, who is the origin or cause of the
Universe, who knows no deterioration, and who is endowed