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Sudra attains to happiness by hearing alone and not
by reciting. The Sruti (Tai. Sam., 7-1-1) says: "There-
fore the Sadra is not entitled to perform Yaga." The
Mahabharata says: "One should teach the Scriptures to all
the four castes, keeping a Brahmana at the head." The
Harivamsa also says: "One born in the Sadra caste
attains good state by hearing." From this it is plain that
the Sadra can only hear and thereby he attains happiness,
whereas the twice-born only can recite.
124. He who aspires to the merit of righteousness
succeeds (by reciting this) in getting it; he who desires
wealth likewise gets it; the man of pleasure has his
desires satisfied; and he who desires offspring acquires
Desires are objects desired by the senses such as
eyes, etc., induced, as they are, by the mind backed by
the Self.
The following results are promised to one who is
devout, pure, persevering, ever meditative and full of faith :
125. That man who with devotion and perseverance,
and heart wholly turned towards Him, recites these thou-
sand names of Vasudeva every day, after having purified
126. succeeds in acquiring great fame, a position of
eminence (among his kinsmen), enduring prosperity, (and
lastly) that which is of the highest benefit to him (i.e..
127. Such a man never meets with fear at any time
and acquires great prowess and energy. Disease never
afflicts him; fair complexion, strength, beauty and ac-
complishments become his.
128. The sick become hale; the afflicted become
freed from their afflictions; the affrighted become freed