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866. He who knows no death (Ayamah). (Yamah).
Or Niyama and Yama are the two means of (acquiring)
Yoga; as he is to be reached by these two, he is called
Niyama and Yama.
(Slo. 105)
867. Possessed of Satva (Satvavan).
Satva: courage, strength, etc.
Vya. He possesses the Satva body.
868. Chiefly based in Satva quality (Satvikah).
Vya. He causes one to become Såtvic by His side-
869. He that is true to the wise (Satyah).
Vya. The possessor of truth.
870. Ever devoted to truthfulness and Dharma (Satya-
Dharma: duty characterised by ordinance and pro-
871. The desired (Abhiprayah).
Of those that seek the Purusharthas, or he to whom all
beings directly (abhi) go (praiti) during Pralaya.
872. Worthy of being loved (Priyārhah).
The Smriti (Vishnu Dha., 55-3) says: "By those that
desire for the imperishable (Brahman), the most beloved
things in the world and the choicest in the house should
be given to Him who is endowed with all good qualities."
873. The worshipped (Arhah).
He that should be worshipped by such things as
welcome address, offering of seat, praise, arghya or offering
of water, milk, etc., pådya or water for washing the feet,
hymns, prostrations, etc.
Vya. He is worshipped by devotees.