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845. He that has created the Universe first (Prag- i
Those who are descendants of another are called
Paschatyas or after-comers; that which has come out
of Him, i.e., the Universe is the first (in order) not
846. The expander of the Universe (Vamsavardha-
Or dissolver of it.
Vya. He increases the progeny according to His
own liking.
(Slo. 103),
847. The bearer of weight (Bharabhrit).
He that bears the weight of the Earth in the form of
Ananta or Adisesha, etc.
Vya. He bears the weight of bondage and freedom ।
of the Muktas, the liberated ones.
848. He that is described (Kathitah).
He alone is declared as Supreme by Veda, etc.; or He
that is described by all the Vedas. The Sruti (Kath. Up.,
2-15) says:
All the Vedas describe of whom. . ." The
Smriti (Bh. G., 15-15) says: "I am that which is to be
known by all the Vedas." (Harivamsa, 323-93) says:
"Vishnu is sung everywhere at the beginning, middle, and
at the end of the Vedas, Ramayana, holy Bharata, O best of
Bharata race." The Sruti (Kath. Up., 3-9) says: "He obtains
the goal of the road, the highest place of Vishnu.". In
answer to the doubt as to what is the nature of the highest
goal, the highest place of the all-pervading Vishnu, it is
described as being above all senses and the rest. He is
called Kathita' (declared) who has been described in the
passages beginning with (Kath. Up., 3-10) "Higher indeed
than the senses are their objects," and ending with (3-11)
"Higher than the Purusha is nought; this is the last limit
and the highest goal".