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838. The stout (Sthūlah).
The word stout' is here used in a figurative sense.
839. He that is possessed of attributes (Gunabhrit).
Because of His being the Universal Soul and the Lord
of creation, preservation, and destruction, by means of
Satva, Rajas and Tamas qualities.
840. He that transcends all attributes (Nirgunah).
As being, in truth, devoid of attributes. The Sruti
(S've. Up., 6-15) says: "He is pure and devoid of qualities."
841. The greatest (Mahan).
It is impossible to speak of him even for the sake of
argument, as possessing any attributes because, he is devoid
of such attributes as sound, etc. He is the minutest of the
minute, eternally pure and all-pervading. The Apastamba
(Dh. Sa., 1-12-7) says: "He is devoid of limbs, sound,
body, and touch, and eternally pure."
842. Unsustained (Adhritah).
He is not sustained by any, who sustains the Earth,
etc., that sustain all.
843. Self-sustained (Svadhritah).
Here, by way of answering a possible doubt, this name
is introduced. The Sruti (Chcha. Up., 7-24-1) says:
"Where doth that immensity abide, my Lord? It abideth
in its own glory."
844. Having a beautiful complexion (Sväsyah).
He that has a face of such fascinating beauty that it
can be compared to the inside of a lotus, the colour of which
is red; or He from whose face emanated the great mass of
Vedic texts for teaching the Purushärthas (human aspira-
tions). The Sruti (Br. Up., 4-4-10) says: "From this great
Being emanated Rigveda