2023-02-15 17:27:36 by ambuda-bot
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forest of sense-objects are bound by His grace as with
761. The controller (Nigrahah).
Of all independently.
Vyu. He controlled Arjuna in the battle.
762. Indestructible (Vyagrah).
Or as he is ever intent on fulfilling the desires of his
Vya. Concerning the devotees in battle.
763. The many-horned (Naikasringah).
As he has four horns or parts. The Sruti (Maha-Up.....
12) says: "He, having four parts. . ."
Vya. Actions are not important to please him.
764. The elder brother of Gada (Gadagrajah).
Gada is the name of the younger brother of Krishna ;
or as he appeared in the beginning from the mantras.
(Slo. 94)
765. Four-formed (Chaturmūrtih).
The four forms are Virat, Saträtma, Avyakrita, and
Turiya; or he who has white, red, yellow and dark-blue
coloured bodies.
766. Four-armed (Chaturbabuh).
This name has become a conventional one to Vasudeva.
767. Having four Vyühas (Chaturvyūhah).
The four Vythas or persons as mentioned in the (Aita-
reya Up. 3-2-3) are: "The person in the body, the person
in the Chchandas, the person in the Vedas, and the Great
; Person."
768. The goal of the four (Chaturgatih).
States of Life (Asramas) and castes, who observe their
respective rules.
forest of sense-objects are bound by His grace as with
761. The controller (Nigrahah).
Of all independently.
Vyu. He controlled Arjuna in the battle.
762. Indestructible (Vyagrah).
Or as he is ever intent on fulfilling the desires of his
Vya. Concerning the devotees in battle.
763. The many-horned (Naikasringah).
As he has four horns or parts. The Sruti (Maha-Up.....
12) says: "He, having four parts. . ."
Vya. Actions are not important to please him.
764. The elder brother of Gada (Gadagrajah).
Gada is the name of the younger brother of Krishna ;
or as he appeared in the beginning from the mantras.
(Slo. 94)
765. Four-formed (Chaturmūrtih).
The four forms are Virat, Saträtma, Avyakrita, and
Turiya; or he who has white, red, yellow and dark-blue
coloured bodies.
766. Four-armed (Chaturbabuh).
This name has become a conventional one to Vasudeva.
767. Having four Vyühas (Chaturvyūhah).
The four Vythas or persons as mentioned in the (Aita-
reya Up. 3-2-3) are: "The person in the body, the person
in the Chchandas, the person in the Vedas, and the Great
; Person."
768. The goal of the four (Chaturgatih).
States of Life (Asramas) and castes, who observe their
respective rules.