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725. The one (Ekah).
Being devoid of any distinction such as Sajatiya, per-
taining to the same species, Vijatlya, pertaining to different
species and Svagata, pertaining to the different parts of the
same thing. The Sruti (Chcha. Up., 6-2-1) says: "There
is only one without a second."
Vya. He has none equal or superior to him.
726. The many (Naikah).
By His Maya. The Sruti (Br. Up., 4-5-19) says: "The
Lord sports with many forms by his Maya."
Vya. There is no limit to his vibhatis (manifest-
727. The Soma sacrifice (Savah) (Sa+vah).
Where the soma plant is distilled.
Vya. Divided into two names as sa destroyer, and
va indweller.
728. The Happiness (Kah).
As he is spoken of as such. The Sruti (Chcha. Up.
4-10-5) says: "Happiness is Brahman."
Vya. Ka brightness.
729. What (Kim).
As Brahman is the supreme end of all Purushārthas,
he is to be enquired after.
730. Which (Yat).
The pronoun yat' denotes an already existing object.
The Sruti (Tai. Up., 3-1) says: "From which all these
beings come out
731. That (Tat).
That which pervades. Lord (Bh. G., 17-23) says:
"Om, Tat, Sat': this has been taught to be the triple
designation of Brahman."