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708. The dwelling place of beings (Bhutavasah).
The Harivamsa (279-52) says: "As the Beings live in
you, thou art named Bhatavasa."
709. Vasudevah.
As he envelopes the Universe with Maya. Lord (Maha.
S'an., 342-41) says: "I pervade the whole Universe by my
glory like the Sun with his rays."
710. The abode of all life-energies (Sarvasunilayah).
Being Jiva himself; or he is the abode of all the Jivas.
711. The unlimited (Analah).
His energies and powers are never limited.
Vya. He never forgives sinning against his devotees.
712. The repressor of pride (Darpaha).
Of those that stray from the path of righteousness.
Vya. He curbs the pride of Indra and others by
lifting the mountain, etc.
713. The giver of pride (Darpadah).
Of those that follow righteousness; or represses
their pride.
Vya. adarpadah: He does not allow his devotees to
become proud.
714. The proud (Driptah). (Adriptah.)
From ever delighting in the bliss of Self.
Vya. They (devotees) never become proud though
they perform many (good) acts.
715. The object of very difficult contemplation
During contemplation, it is very difficult to realise
His nature, as He is beyond all forms or vehicles; however
some favoured few see Him with great effort (in the lotus)
of the heart, after arduous meditation for many incarnations.