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594. Dharma-eyed (Vrishabhakshah).
He whose eye rains down all wishes.
Vya. The Dharma shines by the shining of his eye.
595. Delighting in Dharma (Vrishapriyah).
Or Dharma itself; Priya: beloved of all. (Slo. 76)
Vya. He is beloved of the virtuous.
596. Never retreating (Anivart1).
In the war between the Devas and Asuras; or He that ¹
never turns back from Dharma, being its friend.
597. Of restrained self (Nivrittatma).
From material pleasures naturally.
Vya. The Jivas become retired from the Gunas, as
they have nothing to think.
598. Involver (Samkshepta).
Of the expanded Universe during Pralaya into disinte-
Vya. Asamiksheptu: not abandoning his devotees.
599. The doer of good (Kshemakrit).
As He protects what has been acquired (by his devo-
Vya. Akshemakrit: destroying the evils of his
600. The purifier (Sivah).
. Of those that even call upon him by name.
Vya. The Lord Siva.
Thus ends the Sixth Hundred.