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575. The Singer of Saman (Samagah).
Lord (Bh. G., 10-22) says: "Of Vedas I am Samavella."
576. The Sama Veda (Sama).
577. Nirvanam.
The Supreme Bliss characterised by the absence of all
578. The medicine (Bheshajam).
Of the disease of Samstra.
579. The physician (Bhishak).
As He taught in the Gita the supreme Vidya that roots
out the disease of Samsara. The Sruti (Rig., 2-33-4) says:
"I see Thou art the best physician of all."
580. The institutor of Sanyasa stage (Sanyasakrit).
He instituted the fourth Asrama or stage as a step to
Vya. He destroys the Samsara.
581. The calm (Samah).
As he taught the principle of calmness' to the Sanya-
sins as the necessary means to the attainment of wisdom.
The Smriti says: "The Dharma or duty of Sanyasins is
calmness; of forest-dwellers restraint; of householders
charity of Brahmacharins or students service." Or he who
pacifies all beings.
582. Tranquil (Santah).
As He is not involved in material pleasures. The
Sruti (Sve. Up., 6-19) says: "He who is without parts,
without action, who is tranquil."
583. The abode (Nishtha).
Of all beings during Pralaya.
Vya. They reside in Him, who have abandoned the