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475. The protector of Dharma (Dharmagup).
Lord (Bh. G., 4-8) says: "I am born in every age for
firm establishment of Dharma."
476. The doer of Dharma (Dharmakrit).
Though he transcends righteousness and the reverse,
yet to protect righteousness he acts only righteously.
477. The supporter of Dharma (Dharmı).
Vya. He possesses the peculiar nature of protecting
those who take refuge in him by extraordinary methods.
478. The existence (Sat).
The Reality, the Supreme Brahman. The Sruti
(Chcha. Up., 6-2) says: "This indeed, O child, was Sat."
Vya. All tremble at him during Pralaya.
479. The conditioned (Asat).
Brahman is called Asat. The Sruti (Chcha. Up., 6-6-14)
says It is nothing but a word; it is an effect and a
name only.
Vya. He himself never trembles.
480. The perishable (Ksharam).
As He is all beings.
Vya. All proceed from him.
481. The imperishable (Aksharam).
Lord (Bh. G., 15-16) says: "There are two persons in '
the world, the perishable and imperishable; the perishable is;
made of all creatures and Katastha is called imperishable."
482. The non-knower (Avijnātā).
The knower is the JIva, limited by the false concep-
tion that authorship and the rest pertain to Atman; being
free from it, Vishnu is called Avijnātā.
Vya. He is indifferent to the faults of his devotees.