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Centred in His glory (Parameshthih).
As He is accustomed to reside in the supreme ether of
the heart. The Mantravarna (Apa. Dh., 1-23-2) says:
The Parameshthi supremely shines."
420. The receiver (Parigrahah).
He is approached on all sides by his devotees, being
Himself omnipresent; or known in many ways, or he re-
ceives from devotees such offerings as leaf, flower, etc. (Bh.
G., 9-26.)
421. Terrible (Ugrah).
As he causes fear even to the sun, etc. The Sruti
(Tai. Up., 2-7) says: "By fear of Him the sun rises."
422. The abode (Samvatsarah).
Of all beings.
423. The clever (Dakshah).
As He manifests himself as the Universe, or as he
performs all actions dexterously.
Vya. He is to be approached.
424. The quiet (Visramah).
He brings quietude to the mind of those who have
fallen in the toils of great miseries arising from Avidya, etc.,
and small miseries as pride, etc., and have plunged in the
ocean of Samsara, stormy with the waves of the six changes,
such as hunger and thirst.
425. The most skilful (Visvadakshinah).
Excelling all others, or in all His actions. (Slo. 58)
Vya. He is the protector of all.
426. The manifestation (Vistarah).
As He manifests in himself all the Universe.
Vya. He enlarges the results of his Bhaktas.
Centred in His glory (Parameshthih).
As He is accustomed to reside in the supreme ether of
the heart. The Mantravarna (Apa. Dh., 1-23-2) says:
The Parameshthi supremely shines."
420. The receiver (Parigrahah).
He is approached on all sides by his devotees, being
Himself omnipresent; or known in many ways, or he re-
ceives from devotees such offerings as leaf, flower, etc. (Bh.
G., 9-26.)
421. Terrible (Ugrah).
As he causes fear even to the sun, etc. The Sruti
(Tai. Up., 2-7) says: "By fear of Him the sun rises."
422. The abode (Samvatsarah).
Of all beings.
423. The clever (Dakshah).
As He manifests himself as the Universe, or as he
performs all actions dexterously.
Vya. He is to be approached.
424. The quiet (Visramah).
He brings quietude to the mind of those who have
fallen in the toils of great miseries arising from Avidya, etc.,
and small miseries as pride, etc., and have plunged in the
ocean of Samsara, stormy with the waves of the six changes,
such as hunger and thirst.
425. The most skilful (Visvadakshinah).
Excelling all others, or in all His actions. (Slo. 58)
Vya. He is the protector of all.
426. The manifestation (Vistarah).
As He manifests in himself all the Universe.
Vya. He enlarges the results of his Bhaktas.