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bright crystal-like nails on their tips. Let this most beautiful spotless row
of fingers bestow upon us all the wonderful things desired in the minds of
everybody. [15]
The nails Bowing to the beautiful row of nails, clear as crystals on the
lotus feet of Vișnu (carrying disc in hand), the Gods, including Indra, were
filled with increasing jealousy and fear at the sight of their own reflections,
mistaking them for another rival group of Gods. May this row of nails,
possessed of the beautiful halo of flickering rays, bring us unlimited wealth,
producing every kind of happiness immediately.[16]58
The upper side of the feet The upper part of the feet of Visņu shines
multicoloured with the effulgence of rays of the multitude of different types
of precious jewels studded in the shining crowns of the host of Gods bowing
at the service of the lotuses of his feet. Its colour exceeds the beauty of a
large tortoise (shell) made of emerald. Let those upper parts of his feet put
an end to our sins, while bestowing prosperity on us who prostrate before
him. [17]59
The shanks of the legs Possessed of beauty, round-shaped, enjoying the
soft touch of the hands of Laksmī, these shanks of Nārāyaṇa's legs steal
the splendour of two great pillars made of emerald, rich in beauty. These
are praised by the great, wise scholars, bestow happiness on the host of
virtuous gods, and destroy the host of enemies. Let these shanks of Vișnu
thrive, driving away our sins at once. [18]60
The knees As if to support both of the tired shanks, the knees of Vișnu,
the unconquerable one, act as the supporting pillars, carrying the weight of
two heavy, staff-like thighs. These round-shaped knees, acting as precious
jewel boxes for depositing the mirror of the minds of wise men in, may
58 In this verse and the next, the Gods bowing at the feet of Vișnu are described. In his
cosmic body, animals such as horses, camels and elephants are identified with the nails of
his toe-fingers. See Bhagavatapurāṇa 2.1.35.
5⁹ The upper part of Vișnu's feet is compared to a tortoise shell made of emerald stone.
It is described as possessing multicoloured rays, due to the light radiating from different
kinds of gems studded in the crowns of the Gods, bowing at the feet of the Lord. In his
cosmic body, the rasatala is conceived as the upper part of his feet.
60 Here, the shanks of Visņu, rich in beauty, are compared to two great staffs made of
emerald stone.
bright crystal-like nails on their tips. Let this most beautiful spotless row
of fingers bestow upon us all the wonderful things desired in the minds of
everybody. [15]
The nails Bowing to the beautiful row of nails, clear as crystals on the
lotus feet of Vișnu (carrying disc in hand), the Gods, including Indra, were
filled with increasing jealousy and fear at the sight of their own reflections,
mistaking them for another rival group of Gods. May this row of nails,
possessed of the beautiful halo of flickering rays, bring us unlimited wealth,
producing every kind of happiness immediately.[16]58
The upper side of the feet The upper part of the feet of Visņu shines
multicoloured with the effulgence of rays of the multitude of different types
of precious jewels studded in the shining crowns of the host of Gods bowing
at the service of the lotuses of his feet. Its colour exceeds the beauty of a
large tortoise (shell) made of emerald. Let those upper parts of his feet put
an end to our sins, while bestowing prosperity on us who prostrate before
him. [17]59
The shanks of the legs Possessed of beauty, round-shaped, enjoying the
soft touch of the hands of Laksmī, these shanks of Nārāyaṇa's legs steal
the splendour of two great pillars made of emerald, rich in beauty. These
are praised by the great, wise scholars, bestow happiness on the host of
virtuous gods, and destroy the host of enemies. Let these shanks of Vișnu
thrive, driving away our sins at once. [18]60
The knees As if to support both of the tired shanks, the knees of Vișnu,
the unconquerable one, act as the supporting pillars, carrying the weight of
two heavy, staff-like thighs. These round-shaped knees, acting as precious
jewel boxes for depositing the mirror of the minds of wise men in, may
58 In this verse and the next, the Gods bowing at the feet of Vișnu are described. In his
cosmic body, animals such as horses, camels and elephants are identified with the nails of
his toe-fingers. See Bhagavatapurāṇa 2.1.35.
5⁹ The upper part of Vișnu's feet is compared to a tortoise shell made of emerald stone.
It is described as possessing multicoloured rays, due to the light radiating from different
kinds of gems studded in the crowns of the Gods, bowing at the feet of the Lord. In his
cosmic body, the rasatala is conceived as the upper part of his feet.
60 Here, the shanks of Visņu, rich in beauty, are compared to two great staffs made of
emerald stone.