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Translation of the
The weapons and the retinue of Vișnu
2.1.1 The weapons
Pāñcajanya, The conch of Viṣṇu
Pañcajanya, the king of conches, possesses the large white form and is sit-
uated in the hands of Viṣṇu, the spouse of Lakṣmī. He shines like the orbit
of the moon rising on the tall peak of the Nila mountain. May he protect
us, filling the space of the sky with his loud waves of sound, terrifying the
crowds of demons, born of Diti.[1]46
Sudarśana, the disc of Vișnu
Wise men say that the form of the disc, Sudarśana of Vișņu, is perceptible
in the fractions of time, in each moment (kṣaṇa), and it is the most lustrous
supreme abode of all luminescent objects that eradicate darkness once and
for all. The streams of blood flowing from the body of the demons born of
Diti soak its blades. May that venerable disc of Vișnu (adorned with the
disc in his hand) Sudarśana, shining forth like the sun and honoured all over
the world may bestow great happiness forever on us.[2]47
46 The white form of the conch shell Pañcajanya held in the blue arms of Vișnu is
compared to the disc of the moon rising on the Nila Mountain. The use of the word
bhujā (the arm) instead of kara (hand) suggests the comparison of the arms to the Nīla
47 The disc is conceived here as the embodiment of kalacakra, the cycle of time, and also
as the sun. The commentator uses the phrase sarvadhamnām paramam dhama to refer
to the Supreme Being or to Vișnu himself.