2023-09-10 12:45:59 by ambuda-bot
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other forms of Gods.
According to Pūrṇasarasvatī, the identification of the formless nature
of the Supreme Being with the form of Vișnu consisting only of sattva is
assumed for the benefit of the devotees. Pūrṇasarasvatī, in his commentary
on the last verse of the stotra, emphasises the benefits of this stotra thus:
asya ca prabandhasya dhāraṇādhārabhagavadvigrahavarnanaparatvād
dhāraṇāyāś ca dhyānaphalatvat dhyānasya ca samadhisādhanatvāt
samadheś ca videhakaivalyaparamānandaprayojanatvād aihikasu-
khānăm ca
ityādivacanair anusangikatvenā-
varjaniyatvad aihikasukhānubhūtir ātmalabhaś ca prayojanam iti
bubhukṣubhir mumukṣubhiś ca śrotavyatvam pathyatvam japyat-
vam anusamdheyatvam ceti siddham.30
1.6.2 Anubandhacatuṣṭaya of the Stotra
Pūrṇasarasvatī treats this stotra as a treatise on mokṣaśāstra and discusses
the adhikārin in his introduction. According to Pūrṇasarasvatī, even though
many descriptions of different forms exist, through which the Supreme Being
is accessible, it is to tailor to the needs of those who are incapable of following
rigid procedures prescribed in the sastras that this composition is composed.
In his commentary on the last two verses (51 and 52) he speaks about the
anubandhacatuṣṭaya, namely, adhikarin (the competent recipient), visaya
(the subject), sambandha (the relation between the text and its goal) and
prayojana (the goal achieved). They are explained in the commentary by
pointing to the expressions in the text. By the expression, santatantaḥ-
pramoda (one ever filled with joy of mind), it is indicated that one who
aspires to eternal happiness by attaining salvation is the main adhikarin
for receiving the benefit of this composition. The other aspects of the
anubandhacatuṣṭaya are also discussed by Purṇasarasvatī in the commen-
tary on verses 51 and 52:
asmimś ca padye 'dya parisamāpitasya prabandhasyadhikariviṣaya-
sambandha api pradarsyante-tathā hi
vapur idam iti bhaga-
vadvigraho visaya ity uktam. santatāntaḥpramoda iti nityasukhāpekṣī
mumukṣur mukhyādhikārīti sūcitam-pratipadyapratipādakabhāraḥ
sambandhaḥ prasiddhaḥ. evam paramaprayojanam anantaraśloke
pratipadayisyate. 31
30 Bhaktimandakinī 52:62-71.
31 Bhaktimandakinī 51:42-46.
other forms of Gods.
According to Pūrṇasarasvatī, the identification of the formless nature
of the Supreme Being with the form of Vișnu consisting only of sattva is
assumed for the benefit of the devotees. Pūrṇasarasvatī, in his commentary
on the last verse of the stotra, emphasises the benefits of this stotra thus:
asya ca prabandhasya dhāraṇādhārabhagavadvigrahavarnanaparatvād
dhāraṇāyāś ca dhyānaphalatvat dhyānasya ca samadhisādhanatvāt
samadheś ca videhakaivalyaparamānandaprayojanatvād aihikasu-
khānăm ca
ityādivacanair anusangikatvenā-
varjaniyatvad aihikasukhānubhūtir ātmalabhaś ca prayojanam iti
bubhukṣubhir mumukṣubhiś ca śrotavyatvam pathyatvam japyat-
vam anusamdheyatvam ceti siddham.30
1.6.2 Anubandhacatuṣṭaya of the Stotra
Pūrṇasarasvatī treats this stotra as a treatise on mokṣaśāstra and discusses
the adhikārin in his introduction. According to Pūrṇasarasvatī, even though
many descriptions of different forms exist, through which the Supreme Being
is accessible, it is to tailor to the needs of those who are incapable of following
rigid procedures prescribed in the sastras that this composition is composed.
In his commentary on the last two verses (51 and 52) he speaks about the
anubandhacatuṣṭaya, namely, adhikarin (the competent recipient), visaya
(the subject), sambandha (the relation between the text and its goal) and
prayojana (the goal achieved). They are explained in the commentary by
pointing to the expressions in the text. By the expression, santatantaḥ-
pramoda (one ever filled with joy of mind), it is indicated that one who
aspires to eternal happiness by attaining salvation is the main adhikarin
for receiving the benefit of this composition. The other aspects of the
anubandhacatuṣṭaya are also discussed by Purṇasarasvatī in the commen-
tary on verses 51 and 52:
asmimś ca padye 'dya parisamāpitasya prabandhasyadhikariviṣaya-
sambandha api pradarsyante-tathā hi
vapur idam iti bhaga-
vadvigraho visaya ity uktam. santatāntaḥpramoda iti nityasukhāpekṣī
mumukṣur mukhyādhikārīti sūcitam-pratipadyapratipādakabhāraḥ
sambandhaḥ prasiddhaḥ. evam paramaprayojanam anantaraśloke
pratipadayisyate. 31
30 Bhaktimandakinī 52:62-71.
31 Bhaktimandakinī 51:42-46.