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Texts quoted in the commentary
More than sixty identified works are quoted in the commentary, including
Ambastava, Abhijñānsakuntala, Alankarasarvasva, Aṣṭādhyāyī, Aṣṭānga-
sangraha, Anargharāghava, Anubhūtiprakāśikā, Aitareyopanişad, Uttara-
rāmacarita, Rgveda, Kathopaniṣad, Kādambarī, Kamasutra, Kavyādarśa,
Kavyaprakāśa, Kirātārjunīya, Kumārasambhava, Kenopaniṣad, Kauṣītaki-
brāhmaṇopaniṣad, Garudopaniṣad, Gauḍapādakärikā, Chandogyopaniṣad,
Taittiriyopaniṣad, Nṛsimhatāpanīyopaniṣad, Nyayasūtra, Prabodhacandro-
daya, Brhatsamhitā, Brhadāraṇyakopaniṣad, Brahmasutraśāńkarabhāṣya,
Bhagavadgītā, Bhaṭṭikävya, Bhavasantaraṇopaniṣad, Bhagavata, Bhāvapra-
kāśa, Bhavaviveka (of Divakara), Manusmrti, Mahābhārata, Mahimnaḥ-
stotra, Māṇḍūkyopaniṣad, Śiśupālavadha, Mālatīmādhava, Mukundamālā,
Mundakopanişad, Mokṣadharma, Yajñavalkyasmṛti, Yogasutra, Raghuvam-
śa, Rāmāyaṇa, Vākyavṛtti, Vāyupurāṇa, Vāyavīyasamhita in the Sivapurāṇa,
Viśvaprakāśa, Visnupurāṇa, Viṣṇusahasranāmastotra, Venīsamhāra, Vai-
jayantī, Śvetāśvataropaniṣad, Savitrīhṛdaya, Sāmudrika, Sānkhyakārikā, Har-
şacarita, Halayudhakośa and Harivamsa.
1 Pāñcajanya, the conch
2 Sudarśana, the disc
3 Śārnga, the bow
4 Nandaka, the sword
1.5 The structure of the Viṣṇupādādikeśastotra
The Viṣṇupādādikeśastotra consists of fifty-two verses in the sragdharā me-
ter and begins with a description of Vișnu's retinue, consisting not only of
his spouses, devotees, etc. but also of his accessories (weapons) followed
by a detailed portrayal of Visņu from his toes to his hair. Pūrṇasarasvatī
explains that just as it is necessary to please a King's royal retinue before
being able to have an audience with Him (the King), this stotra begins with
first praising the attendants and weapons of Viṣṇu.
The text begins with an enumeration of the retinue of Vișnu, beginning
with his conch and ending with an epilogue.
Below is a brief summary of what each verse of the stotra visualises: