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paramasukhasya prarthanīyatvam iti vyajyate.heads the
gharmāmsoh suryasyeva sobhā yasyeti vyākhyāne,
sarvadhāmnām param dhāmeti suryadyatiriktatvokter vyāhatiḥ
sphutaiva. athavā, vipulam śarmeti tattvajñānam ucyate
paramasukhasādhanatvāt, kāraṇe karyopacārāt; tasya viseṣaṇam
gharmāmśuśobham iti. adityasya śobhā-prabheva śobhā yasya,
. While Pūrṇasarasvati endeavours to defend the poet whenever the
usages found in the text may not be grammatically acceptable, he also
often suggests what he deems to be the correct usage.
śaśānkārdhasya; 'ardham napumsakam' iti samāmśavācino
'rdhaśabdasya pūrvanipāte prāpte 'pi,
premṇā sarīrārdhaharam harasya/
dinārdhabhājaḥ parivesino 'rkat/
ityadiprayogabāhulyadarśanāt sādhutvam. 25
• It is worth mentioning that in general Pūrṇasarasvatī seems to have a
sympathetic approach in his criticism of the text, but at the same time
we notice that he makes a lot of effort to justify the text by offering
alternative explanations.
. In addition to delicately explaining the alankāra, Pūrṇasarasvatī often
discusses the poetic beauty of a passage to further explain and justify
its usage.
alikaśaśānkārdheti rūpakam utthapyate. tena ca bhrāntimān.
tanmulena milanena netrambhoje rūpakam. tataś ca, utprekṣā
ity angāngibhavena samkaro 'lamkāraḥ. prabodhotsukatvam
utprekṣānimittam; jātyutprekṣā ceyam. apāngabāṇetyatrāpi
rupakotthāpitotprekṣā. ābhācchāyāśabdābhyām upakrāntā, ā-
patataḥ pratītāpy upamā punar arthānusaraṇavaśād utprekṣāyām
24 Bhaktimandākinī 2:59-80.
25 Bhaktimandäkinī 42:7-12.
26 Bhaktimandäkinī 42:36-41; See also the commentary on the word śaśānkārdha in
Bhaktimandakinī 42:6-12.