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disparity in the explanation of words they provide in their commentaries. ¹7
1.4.2 Special features of the commentaries of Pūrṇasarasvatī
We find common characteristics in all Pūrṇasarasvatī's commentaries, in-
cluding the Bhaktimandakinī edited in this volume.
His commentaries are elaborate with necessary testimonials in support of
his explanations and with his own contributions to the study of aesthetical
appreciation of the poetry in general. They abound profusely in references
to different authorities in various fields of Sastra literature and general lit-
Some of the salient features of his commentaries noticed in Bhakti-
mandākinī are:
. The commentaries on most of the verses begin with introductory lines.
An exceptionally elaborate introduction, harmonising the saguna and
nirguṇaupāsanas in accordance with the advaita point of view, is pro-
vided for the first verse of Bhaktimandākinī.
The gist of the introduction is this. In accordance with the injunction
of the scriptures that the Self is to be realised, and to achieve this
identity with the Supreme Reality of the individual Self, the three
means, i.e. śravana, manana and nididhyasana are needed. Of the
other accessories to yoga, meditation is necessary for which a concrete
form is easier to meditate upon than the Abstract Supreme Reality
(though that is the end). This concrete form of Vișnu is presented in
the stotra:
tatra tāvat 'ātmā vā are draṣṭavyaḥ' iti svavihitasyātmadarśanasya
sādhanatayā śrutyā, śrotavyo mantavyo nididhyasitavyaḥ' iti
pratipaditānām śravaṇamanananididhyāsanānām madhye, yamadi-
sadanganispadyasya parameśvaraikyānubhavasamadhimātur
nididhyāsanasya prādhānyam,
tadrūpapratyayaikāntasamtatiś cānyaniḥspṛha/
tad dhyānaprathamair angaiḥ sadḍbhir niṣpadyate nrpa//
tasyaiva kalpanahīnam svarūpagrahanam hi yat/
manasā dhyānanispādyah samādhih so 'bhidhīyate//
iti vacanāt
śreyo hi jñānam abhyāsāj jñānād dhyānam visiṣyate//
17 Hari Narayana Bhat (1998), p. xxiii-xxiv.
disparity in the explanation of words they provide in their commentaries. ¹7
1.4.2 Special features of the commentaries of Pūrṇasarasvatī
We find common characteristics in all Pūrṇasarasvatī's commentaries, in-
cluding the Bhaktimandakinī edited in this volume.
His commentaries are elaborate with necessary testimonials in support of
his explanations and with his own contributions to the study of aesthetical
appreciation of the poetry in general. They abound profusely in references
to different authorities in various fields of Sastra literature and general lit-
Some of the salient features of his commentaries noticed in Bhakti-
mandākinī are:
. The commentaries on most of the verses begin with introductory lines.
An exceptionally elaborate introduction, harmonising the saguna and
nirguṇaupāsanas in accordance with the advaita point of view, is pro-
vided for the first verse of Bhaktimandākinī.
The gist of the introduction is this. In accordance with the injunction
of the scriptures that the Self is to be realised, and to achieve this
identity with the Supreme Reality of the individual Self, the three
means, i.e. śravana, manana and nididhyasana are needed. Of the
other accessories to yoga, meditation is necessary for which a concrete
form is easier to meditate upon than the Abstract Supreme Reality
(though that is the end). This concrete form of Vișnu is presented in
the stotra:
tatra tāvat 'ātmā vā are draṣṭavyaḥ' iti svavihitasyātmadarśanasya
sādhanatayā śrutyā, śrotavyo mantavyo nididhyasitavyaḥ' iti
pratipaditānām śravaṇamanananididhyāsanānām madhye, yamadi-
sadanganispadyasya parameśvaraikyānubhavasamadhimātur
nididhyāsanasya prādhānyam,
tadrūpapratyayaikāntasamtatiś cānyaniḥspṛha/
tad dhyānaprathamair angaiḥ sadḍbhir niṣpadyate nrpa//
tasyaiva kalpanahīnam svarūpagrahanam hi yat/
manasā dhyānanispādyah samādhih so 'bhidhīyate//
iti vacanāt
śreyo hi jñānam abhyāsāj jñānād dhyānam visiṣyate//
17 Hari Narayana Bhat (1998), p. xxiii-xxiv.