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have quoted. The doctrine is the same as that
which is enunciated in " सदेव सोम्येदमग्र आसीदेकमेवा-
at" (Ch. Up. VI. 2, 1) "In the biginning
there was Sat only, One only without a second."
Sankara explains here as follows: "Is not this
(the universe) Sat (Pure Being) even now, that
it is specified as being so in the beginning? No.
Wherefore,. then the specification? Even now
this is Sat only but differentiated into Names
and Forms-the object of mental perception
appropriate to the word 'This,' and so it is idam
also; while, before creation, it was only the
object of knowledge appropriate to the word
Sat." That is, before creation there was no
object capable of being known as this, and there
was only Sat.-Dr. Thibaut then takes up
the illustration given in Sutras 24 and 25, and
supposes that he has here discovered an objection
to Sankara's doctrine of vivarta-vada and the
production of the world of illusion. In Sutra
24, he considers the illustration of milk turning
curd "strangely chosen ", for the curd is as
real as milk, and not illusive. Sankara is
quite aware of the fact-for he uses the word
"parinama "himself to denote the change