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For the Jiva who attains to the world of Hiran-
yagarbha by devout meditation (upasana) ulti-
mately attains to the Unconditioned Brahman
when the Brahma-Kalpa comes to a close, and he
never again returns to the cycle of rebirths
(samsara). In the world of Hiranyagarbha he is
enabled to enter on the enquiry into the higher
Brahman which brings on the goal of final release.
Dr. Thibaut, also, makes a detailed investi-
gation of the two adhikaranas above mentioned
(viz., iv. 2, 12-14 and iv. 4, 1-7) with a view
to showing the untenability of Sankara's conten-
tion that they describe the state of him who,
before his death, had attained to a knowledge
of the highest Brahman. With regard to the
first-named adhikarana his objections to Sankara's
treatment are:-(1) There is no indication of a
new topic being introduced.-But Dr. Thibaut
abandons this objection when he immediately
proceeds to state that it is "not decisive in itself."
So as we can feel assured that the topic of a
section is different from that of the previous one
and cannot be brought into unity with it, the
inere absence of an indication to that effect
cannot alter the nature of things and cannot be