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THE VEDANTA-SARA of Sadananda has
long been recognised in India as a valuable
work containing a clear and accurate sum-
mary of the philosophy and religion of the Upa-
nishads as systematised and formulated by Sri
Sankaracharya. As an introduction to its study,
we purpose to deal critically with various mis-
conceptions regarding that religious system
which have been brought into currency by two
European writers,-by Colonel G. A. Jacob who
brought out an edition (Bombay, 1894) of the
Sanskrit Text of the Vedanta-Sara (with two
commentaries) and a translation of the same as a
volume of Trubner's Oriental Series (London,
1891), and by Dr. Thibaut in his famous Intro-
duction to his translation of Sankara's Sariraka-
bhashya (Sacred Books of the East Series). The
misconceptions relate to historical and doctrinal
points of great importance for the school of
religious thought against which they are directed,