2023-02-19 12:13:55 by ambuda-bot
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अहं हि सीतां राज्यं च प्राणानिष्टान् धनानि च ।
हृष्टो भ्रात्रे स्वयं दद्यां भरतायाप्रचोदितः ॥
For the sake of Bharata, without being
asked, I should with pleasure give up
Sita, the kingdom, my precious life and
किं पुनर्मनुजेन्द्रेण स्वयं पित्रा प्रचोदितः ।
तव च प्रियकामार्थ प्रतिज्ञामनुपालयन् ॥
Much more
when commanded
personally by the best of kings and when
it is for the sake of your dear interest
and in fulfilment of his promise.
नाहमर्थपरां देवि लोकमावस्तुमुत्सहे ।
विद्धि मामृषिभिस्तुल्यं केवलं धर्ममास्थितम् ॥
0 Queen, I am not eager to live in
this world, addicted to enjoyments. Know
me to be the equal of sages, well-rooted
in Dharma alone.
न तो धर्मचरणं किञ्चिदस्ति महत्तरम् ।
यथा पितरि शुश्रूषा तस्य वा वचनक्रिया ॥
Than this there is no
carry out his words.
serve one's
higher duty to
father and to
अहं हि सीतां राज्यं च प्राणानिष्टान् धनानि च ।
हृष्टो भ्रात्रे स्वयं दद्यां भरतायाप्रचोदितः ॥
For the sake of Bharata, without being
asked, I should with pleasure give up
Sita, the kingdom, my precious life and
किं पुनर्मनुजेन्द्रेण स्वयं पित्रा प्रचोदितः ।
तव च प्रियकामार्थ प्रतिज्ञामनुपालयन् ॥
Much more
when commanded
personally by the best of kings and when
it is for the sake of your dear interest
and in fulfilment of his promise.
नाहमर्थपरां देवि लोकमावस्तुमुत्सहे ।
विद्धि मामृषिभिस्तुल्यं केवलं धर्ममास्थितम् ॥
0 Queen, I am not eager to live in
this world, addicted to enjoyments. Know
me to be the equal of sages, well-rooted
in Dharma alone.
न तो धर्मचरणं किञ्चिदस्ति महत्तरम् ।
यथा पितरि शुश्रूषा तस्य वा वचनक्रिया ॥
Than this there is no
carry out his words.
serve one's
higher duty to
father and to