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Then, when the night became morn and
when the the sun had risen, the virtuous
Vasishtha entered the capital city.
ततस्सूतो यथाकालं तुष्टाव जगतीपतिम् ॥
At the proper time, Suta (the charioteer)
praised the king, the lord of the earth.
इन्द्रमस्यां तु वेलायामभितुष्टशव मातलिः ।
सोऽजयद्दानवान् सर्वास्तथा त्वा वोधयाम्यहम्॥
"At this very hour, Matali (Indra's
charioteer) praised Indra and he (Indra)
conquered all the demons. In the same
way do I wake you.
वेदास्सहाङ्गविद्याश्च यथा ह्यात्मभुवं विभुम् ।
ब्रह्माणं बोधयन्त्यद्य तथा त्वां वोधयाम्यहम् ॥
As the Vedas together with the ancillary
sciences wake Brahma the self-born Lord
at this hour, in the same way do I
wake you."
प्रतिबुध्य ततो राजा इदं वचनमब्रवीत् ।
Awaking then, the king said these
words :