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"After plighting your promise, why do
you lie on the floor of the earth, as if
you have done a sinful act? You should
abide by the promise, fully prepared.
आहुः सत्यं हि परमं धर्म धर्मविदो जनाः ।
सत्यमाश्रित्य हि मया त्वं च धर्म प्रचोदितः ॥
Those who know Dharma say that truth
is the highest Dharma. It is in the
pursuit of truth that you have been
prompted by me to do your Dharma.
धर्मस्यैवाभिकामार्थ मम चैवाभिचांदनात् ।
प्रव्राजय सुतं रामं त्रिः खलु त्वां ब्रवीम्यहम् ॥
For love of Dharma, and because of my
bidding, banish your son Rama. Indeed,
thrice do I say this to you."
एवं प्रचोदितो राजा कैकेय्या निविशङ्कया ।
नाशकत् पाशमुन्मोक्तुं बलिरिन्द्रकृतं यथा ॥
Urged thus by the impudent Kaikeyi,
the king was unable to release himself from
the bonds, just as Bali from the bonds
of Indra.
ततः प्रभातां रजनीमुदिते च दिवाकरे ।
वसिष्ठो गुणसंपन्नः प्रविवेश पुरोत्तमः ॥