2023-02-19 12:13:52 by ambuda-bot
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Being told of what should be done. on
the installation of the morrow and given
leave to depart, Rama went to his
residence after saluting his father.
शाविदासी यतो जाता कैकेय्यास्तु सहोषिता ।
प्रासादं चन्द्रसंकाशमारुरोह यदृच्छया ॥
A slave-maid of Kaikeyi's family, who
was living with her, came up to the
palace, bright like the moon, by chance.
प्रहृष्टमुदितैः पौरैरुच्छ्रितध्वजमालिनीम् ।
अयोध्यां मन्थरा दृष्ट्वा परं विस्मयमागता ॥
अविदूरे स्थितां दृष्ट्वा धात्री पप्रच्छ मन्थरा ।
अतिमात्रप्रहर्षोऽयं कि जनस्य च शंस मे ॥
Seeing Ayodhya filled with happy and
rejoicing citizens and with flags and festoons
flying high, the crooked Manthara was
overcome with great wonder.
Seeing the nurse standing not far
distantly, Manthara asked her : " What is this
unmeasured joy of the people ? Tell me."
विदीर्यमाणा हर्षेण धात्री तु परया मुद्दा ।
आचचक्षेऽथ कुब्जायै भूयसीं राघवश्रियम् ।
Being told of what should be done. on
the installation of the morrow and given
leave to depart, Rama went to his
residence after saluting his father.
शाविदासी यतो जाता कैकेय्यास्तु सहोषिता ।
प्रासादं चन्द्रसंकाशमारुरोह यदृच्छया ॥
A slave-maid of Kaikeyi's family, who
was living with her, came up to the
palace, bright like the moon, by chance.
प्रहृष्टमुदितैः पौरैरुच्छ्रितध्वजमालिनीम् ।
अयोध्यां मन्थरा दृष्ट्वा परं विस्मयमागता ॥
अविदूरे स्थितां दृष्ट्वा धात्री पप्रच्छ मन्थरा ।
अतिमात्रप्रहर्षोऽयं कि जनस्य च शंस मे ॥
Seeing Ayodhya filled with happy and
rejoicing citizens and with flags and festoons
flying high, the crooked Manthara was
overcome with great wonder.
Seeing the nurse standing not far
distantly, Manthara asked her : " What is this
unmeasured joy of the people ? Tell me."
विदीर्यमाणा हर्षेण धात्री तु परया मुद्दा ।
आचचक्षेऽथ कुब्जायै भूयसीं राघवश्रियम् ।