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Possessed of prosperity and elder to
Lakshmana, he indeed is a fit ruler.
With him as ruler, all the three worlds
will certainly become possessed of the best
of rulers."
इति ब्रुवन्तं मुदिताः प्रत्यनन्दनृपा नृपम् ।
ऊचुश्च युवराजानमभिषिञ्चस्व पार्थिवम् ॥
With the king who spoke thus, the kings
were delighted and said: "Anoint the
prince Rama, as the Yuvaraja.
इच्छामो हि महाबाहुं रघुवीरं महाबलम् ।
गजेन महता यान्तं रामं छत्रावृताननम् ॥
We do desire Rama, the heroic Raghu,
of great arms and great strength, to
ride a great elephant, his face shaded by
the ( royal) umbrella.
बहवो नृप कल्याण गुणाः पुत्रस्य सन्ति ते ।
इक्ष्वाकुभ्योऽपि सर्वेभ्यो ह्यतिरिक्तो विशाम्पते ॥
O king! many auspicious qualities exist
in your son. O, ruler of the earth, he
excels indeed all the Ikshvakus.
पौरान स्वजनवन्नित्यं कुशलं परिपृच्छति ।
व्यसनेषु मनुष्याणां भृशं भवति दुःखितः ॥