2023-02-19 12:13:41 by ambuda-bot
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In all climes and in all ages, Poetry has
been conceived more as an intuitive art
otherwise. In
India, too,
first great poem, first because of the produc-
tion being the work of the earliest known
human author in Indian Literature and
great because of the unanimous verdict of
posterity, was born of the Poet's innate
pratibha. Valmiki is the earliest poet known
to classical Sanskrit Literature and has been
the pattern to all subsequent aspirants to the
Poet's mantle. The Idea of the Poem arose
in him, not on account of any external
urge to create a work, but as the expression
of the spontaneous overflow of one of the
most consuming sentiments of the human
mind, the sentiment of karuna or compassion
for the afflicted and the distressed.
In giving expression to this sentiment,
Valmiki's words set themselves to rhythm
and cadence suited to the occasion and we
have the most beautiful, melodious, soul-
stirring and artistic poem, as the result.
In all climes and in all ages, Poetry has
been conceived more as an intuitive art
otherwise. In
India, too,
first great poem, first because of the produc-
tion being the work of the earliest known
human author in Indian Literature and
great because of the unanimous verdict of
posterity, was born of the Poet's innate
pratibha. Valmiki is the earliest poet known
to classical Sanskrit Literature and has been
the pattern to all subsequent aspirants to the
Poet's mantle. The Idea of the Poem arose
in him, not on account of any external
urge to create a work, but as the expression
of the spontaneous overflow of one of the
most consuming sentiments of the human
mind, the sentiment of karuna or compassion
for the afflicted and the distressed.
In giving expression to this sentiment,
Valmiki's words set themselves to rhythm
and cadence suited to the occasion and we
have the most beautiful, melodious, soul-
stirring and artistic poem, as the result.