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॥ अयोध्याकाण्डः
गच्छता मातुलकुलं भरतेन तदाऽनघः ।
शत्रुघ्नो नित्यशत्रुघ्नो नीतः प्रीतिपुरस्कृतः ॥
By Bharata who was going to his
maternal uncle's house, the sinless Satrughna,
the eternal destroyer of foes, was then taken,
impelled by affection.
राजाऽपि तौ महातेजाः सस्मार प्रोषितौ सुतौ ॥
And the king, too, of great effulgence,
remembered his two sons, who were living
away from home.
सर्व एव तु तस्येष्टाश्चत्वारः पुरुषर्षभाः ।
स्वशरीराद्विनिर्वृत्ताश्चत्वार इव बाहवः ॥
For, all four sons, foremost of men,
were dear to him like four arms sprung
from one's body.